Tag - Depression

Coping with the Loss of a Dream: How to Rebuild Your Life By Susan George

Understanding the Grief of Lost Dreams

Losing a dream often brings about an intense emotional response akin to grief. Just like grieving the loss of a loved one, grieving for a dream goes through phases of denial, anger, bargaining, despair, and finally acceptance. While frequently linked to other forms of mourning, these phases also apply when dealing with the loss of...

Breaking Barriers: Destigmatising Mental Health Conversations By Susan George

Despite its undeniable importance, discussing mental health often invokes discomfort and apprehension in our society. Why is it that something so fundamental to our existence remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding? Conversations surrounding emotional well-being are frequently dismissed or avoided, perpetuating a culture of silence, shame and misunderstanding. These barriers not only impede open dialogue but also deter individuals from...

Do You Find The Holiday Season Stressful? Or Perhaps Are Feeling Lonely? By Susan George


In the midst of the festive season, where joy and togetherness are celebrated, trees adorned with twinkling lights, windows decorated with Christmas ornaments, classic films airing on every channel, and carols echoing through the streets—all these holiday symbols have the power to evoke the most wonderful emotions. However, they can also feel oppressive when we’re finding it difficult to...

Ecotherapy: Healing the Mind Through Nature: How Spending Time In Nature Can Improve Mental Health By Susan George


Ecotherapy, is an emerging nature-based therapy has been found to significantly improve mental well-being. Ecotherapy is a form of experiential therapy that uses nature as a therapeutic tool to promote mental health. It's rooted in the idea that humans have an innate connection with nature, and this bond can be used to foster psychological well-being. The history of ecotherapy can...

What is Binge Eating Disorder? Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options: By Susan George

Eating Disorders in General

Eating disorders are severe mental health conditions that impact individuals regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or background. Those affected by eating disorders employ disordered eating behaviours as a means of managing challenging emotions or situations. These behaviours can encompass various patterns, such as restricting food intake, consuming excessive amounts of food in one sitting, engaging in...

What is ‘Wear it Purple’ Day all about? By Susan George

‘Wear it Purple” Day (based in Australia) occurs this year on Friday 25th August and is a day for the whole community to go purple in support of LGBTQIA+ youth, and to stand out against bullying and discrimination. It was founded by 2 students Kate Hudson & Scott Williams who saw the high rates LGBTQI+ people at risk and has changed...

How Do Senior Adults Cope with Loneliness? By Susan George

In a world where unprecedented connectivity allows plans to be made, rearranged, or cancelled within minutes through texting alone, and the ability to converse with loved ones even continents away, occurs simply via “WhatsApp or Messenger”, the irony remains that a significant prevalence of social isolation and loneliness persists among elderly Australians over 65yrs.

Is Being Alone the Same as...

What is Self-Compassion and How Can it Improve Our Mental-Wellbeing? By Susan George

We all have experiences in life that are difficult, painful, or challenging. Our internal voice can be harsh, judging us for our perceived shortcomings and mistakes. Instead of getting caught up in self-criticism or negative thinking patterns, self-compassion encourages us to approach ourselves with kindness and explore constructive ways to address our challenges. As Dr Kristin Neff (Educational Psychologist) states, "Self-compassion...

How do you Foster a more Inclusive Society: To Combat Mental Health Stigmatisation? By Susan George

Mental health stigmatisation poses a significant obstacle for individuals grappling with various mental health conditions, such as PTSD, schizophrenia, severe depression, and many others. Stigma, fuelled by misconceptions, fear, and negative stereotypes, results in discrimination and social exclusion  - something we often hear from our clients. Overcoming this challenge and creating an inclusive society demands collaborative efforts from individuals, communities,...

WORLD BIPOLAR DAY – 30th March – How Do I Learn To Live With Bipolar?

How Do I Learn To Live With Bipolar? Practical Steps For Individuals And Families

What is bipolar?

Bipolar is an umbrella term to describe a group of mental health conditions that cause extreme fluctuations in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. If you have bipolar disorder, your mood is likely to go through extreme highs (known as mania or hypomania)...