Tag - Therapy

What Drives You? Understanding Motivation Types By Susan George

Motivation is the fuel that propels us forward, the driving force behind our actions and decisions. It's that inner spark that ignites our ambition, perseverance, and determination. But what exactly is motivation, and what are the different types that influence our behaviour? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of motivation, consider various types, and shed light on how...

What Might Be Helpful With Your Child’s Going Back To School’ Worries? By Jessica Benson-Lidholm

Going back to school can be stressful for everyone in the family. New faces, new rooms, new teachers, etc.   For some children and teens (and adults too!), change can be incredibly difficult to move through.   Sometimes it can be useful to sit down with your child or teen and discuss what might feel scary or difficult about returning to school and figuring...

What Does it Mean to Flourish? Defining the Concept By Susan George

What does it truly mean to live life to the fullest and flourish? This profound question has been contemplated for centuries, across cultures and philosophies. While there are no definitive answers, modern psychology provides a framework for breaking down the components of a deeply fulfilling human life. Flourishing is one of the most promising concepts illuminated through the field of positive...

Understanding the Impact of Circle of Security on Relationship and Attachment Style By Susan George


The concept of attachment styles has long been a subject of interest for psychologists and researchers. Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby in the mid-20th century, posits that our early experiences with caregivers shape our emotional bonds, influencing the way we form relationships in adulthood. The Circle of Security, is an intervention program designed to enhance secure attachment relationships...

Ecotherapy: Healing the Mind Through Nature: How Spending Time In Nature Can Improve Mental Health By Susan George


Ecotherapy, is an emerging nature-based therapy has been found to significantly improve mental well-being. Ecotherapy is a form of experiential therapy that uses nature as a therapeutic tool to promote mental health. It's rooted in the idea that humans have an innate connection with nature, and this bond can be used to foster psychological well-being. The history of ecotherapy can...

Is Self-harming becoming more prevalent

Is Self-harming becoming more prevalent?

Self-harm is more common than many people realise. It’s when a person deliberately hurts themselves through some form of self-injury, often cutting, but also: Scratching one’s own skin repeatedly Picking at scabs so they don’t heal Burning oneself with cigarettes and other items Biting, bruising or hitting themselves Head-banging A common misconception about self-harm is that it’s an attempt at suicide....

How Can We Be More Positive

How Can We Be More Positive?

There’s literally an epidemic of negative talk, and depression that many of us are experiencing/observing all around  us – made worse by COVID. Are we being manipulated by the media and social media platforms where the vast majority of the content generated is generally one of fear, doom and gloom, and/or of scarcity? Rarely televising happiness, joy, and inspiration…? And by doing...