Tag - teensmentalhealthawareness

Why Is Losing A Pet So Painful? By Susan George

Losing a loved one can be heart-wrenching, and the same is true when we lose a beloved pet. I know because I’ve experienced the loss of cherished animals that were with me, generally from the time they were babies until they took their last breaths. The death of my Shetland Sheepdog, Cody, stands out the most. At nearly 13 years...

Youth Mental Health: Challenges and Support Strategies for International Youth Day By Susan George

Every year on August 12, the world comes together to celebrate International Youth Day (IYD). Established by the United Nations in 1999, the first IYD was celebrated on August 12, 2000. This day provides an opportunity for governments, organisations, and individuals to highlight and address the concerns affecting young people worldwide. Over the years, IYD has seen various youth organisations,...

Breaking Barriers: Destigmatising Mental Health Conversations By Susan George

Despite its undeniable importance, discussing mental health often invokes discomfort and apprehension in our society. Why is it that something so fundamental to our existence remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding? Conversations surrounding emotional well-being are frequently dismissed or avoided, perpetuating a culture of silence, shame and misunderstanding. These barriers not only impede open dialogue but also deter individuals from...

What Might Be Helpful With Your Child’s Going Back To School’ Worries? By Jessica Benson-Lidholm

Going back to school can be stressful for everyone in the family. New faces, new rooms, new teachers, etc.   For some children and teens (and adults too!), change can be incredibly difficult to move through.   Sometimes it can be useful to sit down with your child or teen and discuss what might feel scary or difficult about returning to school and figuring...

Navigating Gender Identity Exploration in the Early Adolescence By Susan George

Gender identity development is complex, personal, and unique to each individual. For some, it’s a smooth trajectory that aligns with their sex assigned at birth. For others, it’s a winding path of questioning, exploration, and discovery. As a parent, you may notice your pre-teen or early adolescent child expressing curiosity about gender. They may ask questions, explore different forms of dress...

Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies for Adults and Children By Susan George

We know that the holiday season is typically associated with joy and happiness. However, for many individuals, it can also bring about mental distress, including stress. According to Ellen Braaten, PhD, the holidays can be a mix of joy and stress. Festive holidays aren't happy or healthy for everyone. For some people, they mean long to-do lists, family tension or...

What is ‘Wear it Purple’ Day all about? By Susan George

‘Wear it Purple” Day (based in Australia) occurs this year on Friday 25th August and is a day for the whole community to go purple in support of LGBTQIA+ youth, and to stand out against bullying and discrimination. It was founded by 2 students Kate Hudson & Scott Williams who saw the high rates LGBTQI+ people at risk and has changed...

How Do Peer Relationships Influence Teenagers During High School? By Susan George

Being a teen in high school, friendships and your mates are seriously important. High school isn't just about classes and textbooks – it's like this buzzing universe of chatting, chilling with your mates, and building those friendships. The connections you build right now can totally mould who you are, sway the decisions you make, and give you that awesome feeling...