Tag - mentalhealthperth

Why Is Losing A Pet So Painful? By Susan George

Losing a loved one can be heart-wrenching, and the same is true when we lose a beloved pet. I know because I’ve experienced the loss of cherished animals that were with me, generally from the time they were babies until they took their last breaths. The death of my Shetland Sheepdog, Cody, stands out the most. At nearly 13 years...

When Does Niceness Become a Problem? By Susan George

Empathy and compassion are essential traits that help us connect with others and build meaningful relationships. We're often taught from a young age that being nice is a virtue, a quality to be admired and cultivated. "Treat others as you'd like to be treated," the golden rule goes. But what happens when niceness goes into overdrive? When does our desire...

Empowering Change: Community-Driven Initiatives to Combat Gender-Based Violence By Susan George

Violence against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world today. It cuts across all socio-economic classes, ethnicities, religions and age groups. The statistics surrounding gender-based violence in Australia are staggering and remind us that no community is immune to this issue. Violence against women is preventable.   According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics,...

Breaking Barriers: Destigmatising Mental Health Conversations By Susan George

Despite its undeniable importance, discussing mental health often invokes discomfort and apprehension in our society. Why is it that something so fundamental to our existence remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding? Conversations surrounding emotional well-being are frequently dismissed or avoided, perpetuating a culture of silence, shame and misunderstanding. These barriers not only impede open dialogue but also deter individuals from...

How to Overcome Lack of Motivation By Susan George

Everybody has experienced feeling unmotivated at some point in their lives. Although every person may experience various roadblocks to motivation, the underlying struggle is something we all can relate to. Knowing what's causing your motivational low is the first step towards addressing it and gaining your drive restored.    Our levels of motivation can be influenced by a wide range of aspects...

What Drives You? Understanding Motivation Types By Susan George

Motivation is the fuel that propels us forward, the driving force behind our actions and decisions. It's that inner spark that ignites our ambition, perseverance, and determination. But what exactly is motivation, and what are the different types that influence our behaviour? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of motivation, consider various types, and shed light on how...

Martin Seligman’s Theory of Learned Helplessness: Implications for Motivation By Susan George

Have you ever felt stuck and unable to escape a difficult situation, even when a solution was possible? This phenomenon is  known as learned helplessness. Learned helplessness occurs when an individual faces challenging situations but feels incapable of finding solutions, even if they are readily available. Those struggling with learned helplessness often express frequent complaints, feeling overwhelmed and powerless to...

What Might Be Helpful With Your Child’s Going Back To School’ Worries? By Jessica Benson-Lidholm

Going back to school can be stressful for everyone in the family. New faces, new rooms, new teachers, etc.   For some children and teens (and adults too!), change can be incredibly difficult to move through.   Sometimes it can be useful to sit down with your child or teen and discuss what might feel scary or difficult about returning to school and figuring...

What Does it Mean to Flourish? Defining the Concept By Susan George

What does it truly mean to live life to the fullest and flourish? This profound question has been contemplated for centuries, across cultures and philosophies. While there are no definitive answers, modern psychology provides a framework for breaking down the components of a deeply fulfilling human life. Flourishing is one of the most promising concepts illuminated through the field of positive...

Unpacking the Link Between Neurodiversity and Executive Functioning By Susan George

What is Neurodiversity?

  Neurodiversity refers to variation in how people think, process information, and interact with the world around them. First coined in the late 1990s by sociologist Judy Singer, the term recognises that conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more are simply natural differences in neurocognitive functioning. Neurodiversity encompasses the idea that differences in brain functioning are normal and should not...