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What Do Most People Get Wrong About OCD? By Susan George

Picture this: Just as you're getting ready to head out for a crucial appointment, you can't seem to rid yourself of the nagging worry that you forgot to turn off the iron. You check once, twice, three times - each time knowing it's off, but unable to trust your own eyes. Your hands are clammy, your pulse is rapid, and you're...

Who am I Now? By Susan George

As I sat glued to my screen. I found myself incredibly humbled by the remarkable stories of resiliency and triumph watching the Paralympic Games in Paris. One such story, is an extremely personable young lady: Alexa Leary, an Australian swimmer who defied seemingly insurmountable odds to not only compete but also succeed at the pinnacle of parasport. Three years ago, Alexa...

Why Is Losing A Pet So Painful? By Susan George

Losing a loved one can be heart-wrenching, and the same is true when we lose a beloved pet. I know because I’ve experienced the loss of cherished animals that were with me, generally from the time they were babies until they took their last breaths. The death of my Shetland Sheepdog, Cody, stands out the most. At nearly 13 years...

Coping with the Loss of a Dream: How to Rebuild Your Life By Susan George

Understanding the Grief of Lost Dreams

Losing a dream often brings about an intense emotional response akin to grief. Just like grieving the loss of a loved one, grieving for a dream goes through phases of denial, anger, bargaining, despair, and finally acceptance. While frequently linked to other forms of mourning, these phases also apply when dealing with the loss of...

Maladaptive Schemas: What They Are and How They Affect Our Lives By Susan George

Have you ever found yourself repeating the same patterns in relationships, work, or personal life, despite your best efforts to change? The answer might lie in understanding maladaptive schemas, which are deeply rooted patterns and beliefs that influence how we perceive the world and ourselves. We'll look at what maladaptive schemas are, how they develop, and how they affect our...

When Does Niceness Become a Problem? By Susan George

Empathy and compassion are essential traits that help us connect with others and build meaningful relationships. We're often taught from a young age that being nice is a virtue, a quality to be admired and cultivated. "Treat others as you'd like to be treated," the golden rule goes. But what happens when niceness goes into overdrive? When does our desire...

Youth Mental Health: Challenges and Support Strategies for International Youth Day By Susan George

Every year on August 12, the world comes together to celebrate International Youth Day (IYD). Established by the United Nations in 1999, the first IYD was celebrated on August 12, 2000. This day provides an opportunity for governments, organisations, and individuals to highlight and address the concerns affecting young people worldwide. Over the years, IYD has seen various youth organisations,...

Surviving the School Holidays: Tips for Parents By Susan George

The school holidays are upon us, and while they provide a needed break from the daily grind of school routines, they can also pose unique challenges for parents. On the other hand, it can be a time of stress as parents try to keep the kids entertained, to managing sibling rivalries, accommodating the needs of neurodivergent children, whilst trying to...

Breathe Your Way to Calm: A Gentle Guide to Mindful Breathing By Susan George

The constant demands of modern life can leave us feeling overwhelmed and tense, making it difficult to find moments of peace. One of the most effective and accessible tools to combat anxiety lies within us—our breath. The next time you’re feeling anxious, there are a variety of anxiety breathing exercises you can try. This guide explores the power of mindful...

Small Steps to a Healthier Life: Daily Habits for Living Well By Susan George and James McIntyre

Living well is about integrating small, manageable changes into our daily lives to boost overall well-being. We can significantly improve our physical and emotional well-being by implementing these small changes. This holistic approach revolves around several key elements: taking care of our bodies, challenging our minds, showing kindness, connecting with others, practising mindfulness, and caring for our environment. It's better...