Tag - Mindset

Small Steps to a Healthier Life: Daily Habits for Living Well By Susan George and James McIntyre

Living well is about integrating small, manageable changes into our daily lives to boost overall well-being. We can significantly improve our physical and emotional well-being by implementing these small changes. This holistic approach revolves around several key elements: taking care of our bodies, challenging our minds, showing kindness, connecting with others, practising mindfulness, and caring for our environment. It's better...

Quieting the Mind: Overcoming Cognitive Fusion and Intrusive Racing Thoughts at Night By Susan George


We've all experienced those restless nights when our minds seem to be racing a million miles per hour, making it impossible to drift off into peaceful slumber. Thoughts swirl around incessantly, ranging from mundane to-do lists to deep existential worries, leaving us tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning. This common phenomenon can leave you feeling frustrated...

How to Overcome Lack of Motivation By Susan George

Everybody has experienced feeling unmotivated at some point in their lives. Although every person may experience various roadblocks to motivation, the underlying struggle is something we all can relate to. Knowing what's causing your motivational low is the first step towards addressing it and gaining your drive restored.    Our levels of motivation can be influenced by a wide range of aspects...

What Drives You? Understanding Motivation Types By Susan George

Motivation is the fuel that propels us forward, the driving force behind our actions and decisions. It's that inner spark that ignites our ambition, perseverance, and determination. But what exactly is motivation, and what are the different types that influence our behaviour? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of motivation, consider various types, and shed light on how...

Martin Seligman’s Theory of Learned Helplessness: Implications for Motivation By Susan George

Have you ever felt stuck and unable to escape a difficult situation, even when a solution was possible? This phenomenon is  known as learned helplessness. Learned helplessness occurs when an individual faces challenging situations but feels incapable of finding solutions, even if they are readily available. Those struggling with learned helplessness often express frequent complaints, feeling overwhelmed and powerless to...

Discover How Mindfulness Skills Can Transform Your Sleep Quality By Susan George

Are you struggling with falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you find that your mind is constantly racing, making it nearly impossible to get a good night's rest? You are not alone. Research shows that inadequate sleep is a common issue for four out of every ten Australians.  Sleep is incredibly important for our physical and mental health. Yet, sometimes it's...

How will your life look like post COVID—19

How will your life look like post COVID—19?

Identifying What’s Important:

If we were to take a positive perspective on COVID-19, it’s vital to identify what is really important to us. This is different for each of us, and its good to reflect upon what the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown had upon you, and what you now value more than you did previously? What we have seen...

Is Self-harming becoming more prevalent

Is Self-harming becoming more prevalent?

Self-harm is more common than many people realise. It’s when a person deliberately hurts themselves through some form of self-injury, often cutting, but also: Scratching one’s own skin repeatedly Picking at scabs so they don’t heal Burning oneself with cigarettes and other items Biting, bruising or hitting themselves Head-banging A common misconception about self-harm is that it’s an attempt at suicide....

How Can We Be More Positive

How Can We Be More Positive?

There’s literally an epidemic of negative talk, and depression that many of us are experiencing/observing all around  us – made worse by COVID. Are we being manipulated by the media and social media platforms where the vast majority of the content generated is generally one of fear, doom and gloom, and/or of scarcity? Rarely televising happiness, joy, and inspiration…? And by doing...