Tag - happiness

What Does it Mean to Flourish? Defining the Concept By Susan George

What does it truly mean to live life to the fullest and flourish? This profound question has been contemplated for centuries, across cultures and philosophies. While there are no definitive answers, modern psychology provides a framework for breaking down the components of a deeply fulfilling human life. Flourishing is one of the most promising concepts illuminated through the field of...

Self-Care: What is it? Who cares?

The term self-care has been thrown around by the media for the past decade. According to Google trends, searches relating to self-care have more than doubled since 2015. But what is it? Why does everyone not stop talking about it? And how do you actually “do” self-care? A technical definition for self-care is "a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in...