Tag - mentalhealth

Neurodiversity: Stimming and Sensory Overload By Susan George

For those on the autism spectrum and with other neurological differences, the world can often be an intense sensory experience. Everyday sights, sounds, smells, textures and tastes that may go unnoticed by neurotypical individuals can be amplified and overwhelming for neurodivergent people. This sensory overload can lead to meltdowns, shutdowns, and a desperate need to stim (self-stimulatory behaviour) to...

Unpacking the Link Between Neurodiversity and Executive Functioning By Susan George

What is Neurodiversity?   Neurodiversity refers to variation in how people think, process information, and interact with the world around them. First coined in the late 1990s by sociologist Judy Singer, the term recognises that conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more are simply natural differences in neurocognitive functioning. Neurodiversity encompasses the idea that differences in brain functioning are normal and should...

Understanding the Impact of Circle of Security on Relationship and Attachment Style By Susan George

Introduction The concept of attachment styles has long been a subject of interest for psychologists and researchers. Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby in the mid-20th century, posits that our early experiences with caregivers shape our emotional bonds, influencing the way we form relationships in adulthood. The Circle of Security, is an intervention program designed to enhance secure attachment relationships...

Ecotherapy: Healing the Mind Through Nature: How Spending Time In Nature Can Improve Mental Health By Susan George

Introduction Ecotherapy, is an emerging nature-based therapy has been found to significantly improve mental well-being. Ecotherapy is a form of experiential therapy that uses nature as a therapeutic tool to promote mental health. It's rooted in the idea that humans have an innate connection with nature, and this bond can be used to foster psychological well-being. The history of ecotherapy can...