Tag - perthpsychology

How to Overcome Lack of Motivation By Susan George

Everybody has experienced feeling unmotivated at some point in their lives. Although every person may experience various roadblocks to motivation, the underlying struggle is something we all can relate to. Knowing what's causing your motivational low is the first step towards addressing it and gaining your drive restored.    Our levels of motivation can be influenced by a wide range of...

Martin Seligman’s Theory of Learned Helplessness: Implications for Motivation By Susan George

Have you ever felt stuck and unable to escape a difficult situation, even when a solution was possible? This phenomenon is  known as learned helplessness. Learned helplessness occurs when an individual faces challenging situations but feels incapable of finding solutions, even if they are readily available. Those struggling with learned helplessness often express frequent complaints, feeling overwhelmed and powerless...

PERMA: A Practical Model for Improving Well-Being By Susan George

Happiness and wellbeing can seem fleeting. We strive for them, yet they are often realised only in hindsight. Though most agree well-being is essential, our culture and competing priorities don't always align with experiencing it.   Martin Seligman, a pioneer in positive psychology, put forth the PERMA model outlining five building blocks of human flourishing. PERMA provides a framework beyond just...

Navigating Gender Identity Exploration in the Early Adolescence By Susan George

Gender identity development is complex, personal, and unique to each individual. For some, it’s a smooth trajectory that aligns with their sex assigned at birth. For others, it’s a winding path of questioning, exploration, and discovery. As a parent, you may notice your pre-teen or early adolescent child expressing curiosity about gender. They may ask questions, explore different forms of...

Do You Find The Holiday Season Stressful? Or Perhaps Are Feeling Lonely? By Susan George

Introduction In the midst of the festive season, where joy and togetherness are celebrated, trees adorned with twinkling lights, windows decorated with Christmas ornaments, classic films airing on every channel, and carols echoing through the streets—all these holiday symbols have the power to evoke the most wonderful emotions. However, they can also feel oppressive when we’re finding it difficult to...

Understanding the Impact of Circle of Security on Relationship and Attachment Style By Susan George

Introduction The concept of attachment styles has long been a subject of interest for psychologists and researchers. Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby in the mid-20th century, posits that our early experiences with caregivers shape our emotional bonds, influencing the way we form relationships in adulthood. The Circle of Security, is an intervention program designed to enhance secure attachment relationships...

Ecotherapy: Healing the Mind Through Nature: How Spending Time In Nature Can Improve Mental Health By Susan George

Introduction Ecotherapy, is an emerging nature-based therapy has been found to significantly improve mental well-being. Ecotherapy is a form of experiential therapy that uses nature as a therapeutic tool to promote mental health. It's rooted in the idea that humans have an innate connection with nature, and this bond can be used to foster psychological well-being. The history of ecotherapy can...

Understanding Insomnia and Its Treatment – Why Can’t I Sleep? By Susan George

Night-time sleep disturbances manifest in various ways, with individuals experiencing trouble sleeping in distinct forms. Some struggle with the challenge of initially falling asleep, while others find themselves awakened during the night and unable to return to slumber. Still, there are those who face the issue of frequent awakenings throughout the night. Insomnia, is a persistent challenge involving difficulty falling...

How Do Senior Adults Cope with Loneliness? By Susan George

In a world where unprecedented connectivity allows plans to be made, rearranged, or cancelled within minutes through texting alone, and the ability to converse with loved ones even continents away, occurs simply via “WhatsApp or Messenger”, the irony remains that a significant prevalence of social isolation and loneliness persists among elderly Australians over 65yrs. Is Being Alone the Same as...

How Do Peer Relationships Influence Teenagers During High School? By Susan George

Being a teen in high school, friendships and your mates are seriously important. High school isn't just about classes and textbooks – it's like this buzzing universe of chatting, chilling with your mates, and building those friendships. The connections you build right now can totally mould who you are, sway the decisions you make, and give you that awesome...