Tag - adultmentalhealth

Neurodiversity: Stimming and Sensory Overload By Susan George

For those on the autism spectrum and with other neurological differences, the world can often be an intense sensory experience. Everyday sights, sounds, smells, textures and tastes that may go unnoticed by neurotypical individuals can be amplified and overwhelming for neurodivergent people. This sensory overload can lead to meltdowns, shutdowns, and a desperate need to stim (self-stimulatory behaviour) to...

ADHD and Executive Functioning: Navigating Daily Challenges By Susan George

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that can significantly impact a person's ability to regulate behaviour and attention. One of the core deficits associated with ADHD is impaired executive functioning. As we discussed in a previous post on neurodiversity and executive functioning, executive functions are cognitive processes that help us with planning, organisation, managing time,...