Psychology Practice

Self-Care: What is it? Who cares?

The term self-care has been thrown around by the media for the past decade. According to Google trends, searches relating to self-care have more than doubled since 2015. But what is it? Why does everyone not stop talking about it? And how do you actually “do” self-care? A technical definition for self-care is "a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in...

WORLD BIPOLAR DAY – 30th March – How Do I Learn To Live With Bipolar?

How Do I Learn To Live With Bipolar? Practical Steps For Individuals And Families What is bipolar? Bipolar is an umbrella term to describe a group of mental health conditions that cause extreme fluctuations in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. If you have bipolar disorder, your mood is likely to go through extreme highs (known as mania or...

The Downside of People-Pleasing - Fawning

The Downside of People – Pleasing – Fawning

Refers to a trauma response in which a person immediately moves to try to please a person to avoid any conflict and re-establish a sense of safety If you feel like you are always last on your list, you may be acting in response to internalised trauma. Here’s what you should know about fawning: You feel like you are giving your...

Are You Spending Too Much Time On Social Media

Are You Spending Too Much Time On Social Media

How much time do you spend checking your phone? And how much of that time is spent on social media? Social media can help us to feel connected with friends, however spending too much time on it can negatively affect our wellbeing. “Six months of social media binging can lead to depression”, says a new study by Dr Brian Primack (professor of...

What is Transgender day of visibility

What is Transgender day of visibility?

31st March is the International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV); a day of bringing awareness, visibility, and acknowledgement of transgender and non-binary people. Frequently, the focus of this day is on the accomplishments and achievements of gender diverse people throughout history. The trans visibility day also focuses on raising awareness of the discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. TDoV was...