It’s great to be able to see and socialise with our friends and go out again to our favourite places.
But what does the relaxing of restrictions really mean, in terms of feeling safe, less anxious about the threat of COVID-19?
Does it mean we can resume how it was BEFORE the coronavirus pandemic?
Or, do we need to still feel worried, anxious even…? Will it ever truly be the same again? After COVID-19, what will “normal life” be like?
Yes, fear and anxiety are inevitable in a pandemic, however we still want (need) to go out and socialise (connect) and somehow still feel less anxious and ‘safe’.
What actually does help – is to focus on what is within YOUR Control.
Sure, you can’t control the situation, people around you, but you can control how you choose to respond and react to the situation – right here, right now:
By retaining some simple “rules” for yourself you’re more likely to feel better and be less likely to be overwhelmed by your thoughts and difficult feelings like fear, anger, anxiety, loneliness, confusion, and many more.
- Sometimes during distressing or crisis situations we may feel that we’re caught in an emotional “storm” – tossed around by the waves and wind (i.e., our distressing thoughts and emotions) and unable to see and think clearly. You can think of this practice as similar to a boat dropping anchor during a storm. Although dropping anchor won’t necessarily make the storm pass, it does provide safety for the boat until conditions are calmer. Practicing this skill over time can help us feel more stable and improve our ability to handle stressful situations. “Dropping Anchor” helps to bring our attention to the present moment and feel less overwhelmed by our feelings and thoughts.
- Disinfect – continue with fastidious hand hygiene.
It’s easy to become complacent…I find I need to keep reminding myself – more so now since restrictions have relaxed.
- Distance Physically –
Keep 1.5 metres away from others and avoid physical greetings like hugs and kisses.
Practicing physical distancing is for the greater good of our community.
So please, reconnect with friends face to face, socialise again in favourite pubs, cafes and other public spaces and just remember at the back of your mind to ADDS:
- Anchor (when feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts/feelings)
- Distance physically and
- Disinfect
- Social Connectedness – support for one another is invaluable for sustaining our mental wellbeing 😊
Excellent information on how to take care of yourself in this COVID-19 New world:
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service – Beyond Blue: